

15 August, 2006

We are a dying breed

You will be missed.
Meant to post this a while back, but it seems the West African Black rhino* is extinct. As a species we've managed to eliminate most of the amazing megafauna in the world - only a few left! Let's keep trying, people.

* So called to distinguish it from the White rhino, "White" being taken from the Afrikaans "weit" for "wide", to describe the latter's wide mouth.


Why is it always about color? Did they die of black-rhino-on-black-rhino violence?

How come you never hear about any bi-racial rhinos? You know there have to be some. 

Posted by Mist 1

Being serious, it's just one of those times when you think, 'Damn, this world is screwed up.' I can't remember who, but someone predicted that billions would die this century because our civilization would fail, as all of the others have failed before us, with the loss in life rising each time... I think I speak for all of us when I say, 'Oh boy, I can't wait!' 

Posted by Lyze

Ugh. Second law of thermodynamics, evolution... couldn't you just drive a steel spike into my skull instead? Do you even know what thermodynamics is? Nyargh. I'd suggest you read this . 

Posted by saurabh

Hey, waitaminit, I'm the one with the entropy field. And then there's Saheli S* R Datta, whose first middle initial is rumored to stand for that self-same force of nature.  

Posted by hedgehog

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